
Publishing guide

Publishing guide

I. Structure of the publication

1) Article title; 2) Name, surname, represented institution, e-mail address; 3) abstract (300-700 characters); 4) keywords; 5) main text with conclusions; 6) list of published sources; 7) list of references used; 8) article title, summary (1700-3500 characters) and keywords in Lithuanian; 9) list of illustrations.

II. Requirements for preparation and submission of a manuscript

Meno istorijos studijos [Art History Studies] publishes original, previously-unpublished scientific articles. We ask you to formulate in the manuscript the purpose (objective) of the research, to specify the tasks, to identify the object and the method, and to discuss the extent to which the problem being examined has already been investigated.

The length of the article is 0.5-1.5 quires (1 quire (autorinis lankas) is 40 000 characters including spaces and footnotes) and up to 20 illustrations. An author should contact the editorial board in advance regarding a longer length or larger number of illustrations.

The manuscripts (texts) and accompanying material are communicated via e-mail. Articles should be prepared using programs in the Microsoft Windows operating system or programs compatible with it. Files can be submitted in *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, and *.xls formats. The manuscript (text) is prepared in accordance with the Lithuanian character encoding standards supported by Microsoft Office 2000 and later versions, in 12-point Times New Roman font at a line spacing interval of 1.5. The headings of all structural parts (sections) are written in 12-point Bold font, aligned to the left edge of the column. Section titles are separated from text at a line spacing interval of 1.5.

Tables must be inserted in the text after the reference to such tables, after the end of the paragraph, but cannot be printed after the conclusions. In the tables, Lithuanian text is written in 12-point Normal font. Tables are separated from text at a line spacing interval of 1.5.

III. Citation, spelling and references in Meno istorijos studijos [Art History Studies]

Names mentioned for the first time in a text are not shortened, thereafter  only the surname is written. When mentioning a historical figure for the first time, it is recommended to list in brackets the years of the figure’s lifetime (if known). For example: Vytautas Kairiūkštis (1890-1961).

In Latin characters, the names and surnames mentioned are written in their authentic form. Cyrillic and other non-Latin characters in the text are transliterated into the Latin alphabet.

Years and decades are written using Arabic numerals and the appropriate abbreviation, e.g., 1999, 1820s. Centuries are written using Roman numerals and the appropriate abbreviation, e.g. XVII c. Between Arabic and Roman numerals, an en dash without spaces is written, e.g., 1831–1863 m. or XVII–XVIII a. (in Lithuanian).

A quotation from a source or another author’s text is given only using quotation marks “…”. A quotation consisting of three or more lines is moved into a separate paragraph. Modified quotations are marked with square brackets […]. Remarks or explanations by the author of a publication are also written in quotations using square brackets, for example: [note: S.M.].

References to sources and literature, explanations and comments in a text are given in footnotes. Footnote numbering and style are automated, listed at the bottom of a page, at a line spacing interval of 1 in 10-point font size. After a comment in a footnote, a reference to books, articles, and archival documents is given in brackets, e.g.: Lithuanian SSR Composers’ Union houses and concert hall in Vilnius, design, 1960. (Vilniaus regioninis valstybės archyvas, f. 1036, ap. 11, b. 228, l. 2.).

References contain only abbreviations of bibliographic descriptions: the author’s name, year and the pages quoted, for example:

Andriušytė-Žukienė (2007), 104.

Černiauskaitė (2012), 53.

Brzezina (1998), 37–38.

When citing the text of an unnamed author, an abbreviation of the title or publication, the year and page(s) are listed. For example:

Dailės žodynas (1999), 78.

The Oxford Dictionary of Art (1994), 113.

In the references, manuscript documents are described in the following sequence, separated by commas: the title of the document, the date of its creation, the place of storage, the precise inventory signature. For example:

Vladislovas Tiškevičius to Liucijonas Uziembla from Milan, 13 November 1914, Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka, Rankraščių skyrius, f. 151, b. 238, l. 11.

Visitation act of the Minsk parish church, 1830, Lietuvos valstybės istorijos archyvas, f. 694, ap. 1, b. 4097, l. 2.

The name of the institution where the quoted document is stored is to be written in the original language, if the name recurs in the text, the abbreviation of the original name in Latin letters is listed in brackets:

Museum Fünf Kontinente (further – MFK), inv. No. 08-171.

References to tables, appendixes, illustrations and other information in literature or sources shall be accompanied by an abbreviated bibliographic description with a specific reference. For example:

Andriušytė-Žukienė (2007), 104, il. 75.

Katalog zabytków sztuki, il. 53.

Successive recurring references in the footnotes are indicated by Ibid. For example:

Brzezina (1998), 37-38.


Ibid., 39.

If an author’s surname recurs in successive references, but in different publications, the author’s surname, year of the publication, and the pages quoted shall be listed. For example:

Matušakaitė (1998), 34.

Matušakaitė (2007), 184.

IV. Lists of published sources and literature

Lists are arranged in alphabetical order and are presented at the end of the article. The first list is of published sources, followed by a separate list of references used. Examples of bibliographic descriptions:

Source publication, catalogue, dictionary

Brzezina Maria (oprac.), Hieronima Floriana Radziwiłła diariusze i pisma różne, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Energeia, 1998.

Rapetti Rodolphe (ed.), Van Gogh to Kandinsky: Symbolist Landscape in Europe 1880-1910, Edinburgh: National Galleries of Scotland, 2012.

Chilvers Ian, Osborne Harold (eds.), The Oxford Dictionary of Art, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.


Laučkaitė Laima, Art in Vilnius 1900–1915, Vilnius: Baltos lankos, 2008.

Harries Meirion, Harries Susie, The War Artists: British Official War Art of the Twentieth Century, London: Michael Joseph, Imperial War Museum, Tate Gallery, 1983.

Article in a book, periodical, online

Jankevičiūtė Giedrė, Laučkaitė Laima, Expressionism in Lithuania: from German artistic import to National Art, The Routledge Companion to Expressionism in a Transnational Context, ed. Isabel Wünsche, Routledge, 2018, p. 134–157.

Dixon Paul, Scripting the Peace Process: Choreography and Theatrical Skills, Performing the Northern Ireland Peace Process, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, p. 129–147.

Clarke David, The Gaze and the Glance: Competing Understandings of Visuality in the Theory and Practise of Late Modernist Artist, Art History, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 1992, p. 80–98.

Sauerbier Samson Dietrich, Zwischen Kunst und Literatur: Übersicht über Text/Bild-Beziehungen, Kunstforum international, Bd. 37, 1980, www.kunstforum.de/Online-Archiv

IV. Illustrations

Illustrations must be of good quality, suitable for reproduction, submitted in *.jpg, *.tif formats, with a resolution not less than 300 dpi. An author must submit the illustrations to the editorial board together with permission to publish such illustrations (for an indefinite period) in the journal and in the journal’s electronic version. An author submitting illustrations together with a text bears full legal liability for the unlawful use of illustrations or violation of copyright or of the Republic of Lithuania Law on Copyright and Related Rights.

Illustrations are to be numbered in Arabic numerals, and must be associated with the article’s text by marking in brackets in numerical order, e.g.: (Fig. 4) or (Figs. 2–5).

The list of illustrations is presented separately at the end of the article. The scope of the data presented in each illustration may vary, but the data must be arranged in the following order and sequence.

For works of visual art: author (if unknown, indicate unknown, anonymous), title, year of creation, technique, dimensions (optional), storage location or image source, image author (photographer, scanner) and/or owner, the date of the image, if known.

For architecture: title, author or authors, date, location, image author or owner. For example:

  1. Anthony Caro. Early One Morning. 1 Painted steel, 289x619x333. Tate Gallery, London.
  2. Marianne von Werefkin. The Road. 1907. Tempera on paper on cardboard, 69×105. Museo Comunale d’Arte Moderna, Ascona.
  3. Jonas Mackevičius. The Most Blessed Virgin Mary. 1930s. Canvas, oil. Kauno Švč. Jėzaus Širdies bažnyčia. Photograph of Aloyzas Petrašiūnas, 2016.
  4. Vytautas Landsbergis-Žemkalnis. Mažeikiai church altar project. Kaunas, 1936 04 15. Lietuvos literatūros ir meno archyvas, 81, ap. 1, b. 690, l. 4.
  5. Vytautas Košuba. Science. From: Tautos mokykla, 1934, No. 24.